Yeah, it was like that… suddenly it happened: all the 2 airguns of mine were sold as second-hand. Before, my idea was to sell only that old Norica airgun, and that’s what the buyer who saw my advertisement and contacted me claimed. However, when the buyer came, after testing the Norica airgun, he asked me if he could also saw that Gamo airgun, without any prior notification. Actually, yes I had added that my Gamo airgun was also on sale in the ad, but that was just like some kind of careless mention, that I even hadn’t decided its price and dismounted the red dot upon. Therefore, when that young man, the buyer, asked me about its price, I’m a little overwhelmed and even stuttered for a while. The buyer noticed that, so he confirmed to me again if that Gamo airgun was on sale too. Just a second of hesitation, I nodded and said: “Sí, sí, tambien…”, dismounting the red dot quickly. Everything happened so fast that when I reflected, I was on the balcony watching the young man trot across the street to his car with two gun bags, with the airguns inside, on his back. At that moment, my heart was shrouded in a strong feeling of loss, watching the wardrobe which looked more empty than before, I actually got a well-paid though.

Now I lose all my airguns. However, a new one is on the way: a week before once I went to the gunshop to ask if I could sell them my airguns for the statement of recycling of guns on their website and I was notified that they only bought firearms, and I didn’t know why, maybe it was for covering up my embarrassment, at that moment I ordered another airgun, which is called “Stoeger XM1 S4 suppressor” and is a PCP airgun in repetition. I have no idea when I could receive it, but I don’t need to worry about… shit what I’m talking about…

I suck. I abandoned my beloved guns.

Nevertheless, there’s still good news: finally, my wound of surgery obviously is becoming smaller. Looks like I could go to the gym very soon.


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