In November, for the Google instance, which I rented for running the official Minecraft game, it was the time to really pay its bill. Considering that definitely I can’t afford about 70 dollars per month for that server, I dropped that and began to look for another server that would be more economic. Finally, I chose Alibaba Cloud and then deployed my new game instance there. Because I was going to reestablish almost everything, an idea occurred to me that maybe I could just take this opportunity and try to host a plugin server.

Actually, building a plugin Minecraft server was not something hard. When deploying the plugin game, the only difference was replacing the official server core with another core provided by a third party, with which the plugins can be installed and applied on a remote server game, for example, Spigot and Papermc (and what I’m using is the latter). However, hosting this kind of server is really something that makes me suffer. The plugins make the server really fragile that it’s very easy to crash, thus I have to keep my eyes open on the server with my spare tablet so I can solve the problems that could happen at any time ASAP. Besides, I also need to keep searching and browsing new plugins in “Internet Minecraft plugins sea”, and pick those I prefer and tried them on my server. Some plugins are very useful and stable, some are useful but may cause some harmless problems sometimes. Nevertheless, some plugins could cause a lot of problems, even the crash, and some plugins couldn’t work well without reason…

But, in any case, I’ve hosted the plugin server for a month, and everything now looks fine, just there are only a few players, though.

Except for the server things, I also finally decided to join the exam for getting the gun license, for rifle and shotgun. I’ve prepared all the papers needed and made an appointment to submit these papers. I don’t know if I could get the license, but I’m gonna have a try.


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